View selected publications citing GeneCopoeia's All-in-One™ qPCR Mix and primers from the recent literature [drop_menu:2024] Lei, L-M., et al. (2024). Cold exposure-induced plasma exosomes...
qPCR kits and primers
ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays Publications
View selected publications citing GeneCopoeia's ExProfile™ qPCR array products from the recent literature [drop_menu:2023] Ranneh, Y., et al. (2023). Induction of Apoptosis and Modulation of...
ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays
[tab:Introduction] For high-throughput profiling of gene expression The ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays are designed for profiling the expressions of pre-made or customized sets of coding-genes in...
miProfile™ miRNA qPCR Arrays Publications
[drop_menu:2017] Liu, C., et al (2017). miR-324-3p suppresses migration and invasion by targeting WNT2B in...
All-in-One™ qPCR Mix and Validated Primers Publications
View selected publications citing GeneCopoeia's All-in-One™ qPCR Mix and primers from the recent literature...
ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays Publications
View selected publications citing GeneCopoeia's ExProfile™ qPCR array products from the recent literature...
ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays
[tab:Introduction] For high-throughput profiling of gene expression The ExProfile™ Gene qPCR Arrays are designed...
All-in-One™ qPCR Mix and Validated Primers — universal reaction conditions for all qPCR primers
Sequence-verified and experimentally-validated
SureScript™ First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
Optimized to work together with gene qPCR arrays and validated primers