EndoFectin™ Transfection Reagents

A versatile & efficient suite of robust transfection reagents

GeneCopoeia’s EndoFectin™ line of transfection reagents provide affordable and powerful solutions that encompass a range of different applications, from general purpose reagents like EndoFectin™ Max, to the highly-specialized reagent for HepG2 cells, EndoFectin™ HepG2. See below to learn more about and purchase each individual transfection product.
EndoFectin™ Max

EndoFectin™ Max Transfection Reagent

EndoFectin Max is a lipid-based transfection reagent. This versatile transfection reagent has been tested and optimized for highly efficient transfection of a large collection of commonly used cell lines as well as many difficult-to-transfect cell lines.


  • Equal transfection efficiency for several cell lines compared with Lipofectamine® 3000 in plasmid transfection (Figure 1).
  • Superior transfection efficiency for a broad range of cell lines compared with Lipofectamine® 2000 (Figures 2 and 3).
  • Equal to or greater transfection efficiency compared with Lipofectamine® 2000 in siRNA transfection (Figure 4).
  • Low cytotoxicity (Figure 5).
  • Does not require removal of serum or culture medium, or removal of medium after transfection.
  • For overexpression, knockdown, knockout, as well as high-throughput applications
Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF013 EndoFectin™ Max transfection reagent (1 mL) $295 Download Download
EF014 EndoFectin™ Max transfection reagent (3 mL) $589

Experiment 1: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 3000 in plasmid transfection


Figure 1. Transfection of 6 commonly-used cell lines using either EndoFectin™ Max, Lipofectamine® 2000 (LP2000) or Lipofectamine® 3000 (LP3000). Cell lines were transfected with a firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid. Transfection efficiencies were assessed by luciferase activity (RLU). Note: for HEK293 (A), HeLa (C), A549 (D), H1299 (E), and 1321N1 (F), 0.15 uL/well of Lipofectamine® 3000 was used rather than 0.2 uL/well. Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.


Experiment 2: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 2000 in plasmid transfection

Figure 2. Transfection of 17 commonly-used cell lines using either EndoFectin™ Max or Lipofectamine® 2000 (LP-2000). Cell lines with low transfection efficiency (A), medium transfection efficiency (B), and high transfection efficiency (C) were transfected with a firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid. Transfection efficiencies were assessed by luciferase activity (RLU). Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.
Figure 3. Assessment of EndoFectin™ Max transfection efficiencies using GFP visualization. 16 commonly-used cell lines were transfected with a GFP-expressing plasmid using either EndoFectin™ Max or Lipofectamine® 2000 (LP-2000). Cells were visualized 48 hours post-transfection under phase contrast or fluorescence microscopy (GFP filter). Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.

Experiment 3: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 2000 in siRNA transfection

Figure 4. Comparison of transfection of siRNA between EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 2000, Cell lines H1299 (A) and HEK293 (B) were transfected with either a firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid (blue bars), or co-tranfected with a firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid and an anti-luciferase siRNA (red bars). Transfection efficiencies were assessed by luciferase activity (RLU). Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.

Experiment 4: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 2000 for cytotoxicity

Figure 5. Comparison of cytotoxicity between EndoFectin™ Max and Lipofectamine® 2000. Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.
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EndoFectin™ Lenti

EndoFectin™ Lenti Transfection Reagent

EndoFectin™ Lenti is a robust transfection reagent, optimized specifically for lentiviral packaging. This cation-based transfection reagent delivers high transfection efficiency and high titer lentiviral packaging results, equal to or better than leading competitors (Figure 1).

Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF001 EndoFectin™ Lenti transfection reagent (1 mL) $245 Download Download
EF002 EndoFectin™ Lenti transfection reagent (3 mL) $489

EndoFectin Lenti

Figure 1. HEK293T cells were transfected with an EGFP-expressing plasmid using various transfection reagents as indicated. The cells were observed with an inverted fluorescence microscope 20 hours after transfection. HEK293T cells were transfected either in serum-free medium (A) or in 10% serum (B). Lipofectamine 2000® (LF2000) is a trademark of Invitrogen; FuGENE® is a trademark of Roche.
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EndoFectin RNAi NEW!

EndoFectin™ RNAi

EndoFectin™ RNAi transfection reagent is a transfection reagent based on the principle of lipofectamine® transfection. It is specially designed to deliver siRNA and miRNA to mammalian cells. It can form a complex with nucleic acid and allow the complex to enter the cell. EndoFectin™ RNAi transfection reagent is widely applicable to common cell lines, such as HEK-293, HEK293T, Hela, NIH/3T3 and A549, etc. This reagent efficiently delivers nucleic acids into cells even in the presence of serum.


  • Better transfection efficiency.
  • Low cytotoxicity.
  • For transfection of a variety of cell lines, easy to operate.
  • Does not require removal of serum or culture medium, or removal of medium after transfection.
Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF021 EndoFectin™ RNAi  transfection reagent (1 mL) $295 Download Download
EF022 EndoFectin™ RNAi  transfection reagent (3 mL) $589

Comparison of EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine® 2000 in the siRNA transfection efficiency

Figure 1. EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine®2000 transfection reagent were used to transfect 5 pmol and 10 pmol FAM-labeled β-actin-siRNA into HEK293T (A), Hela (B), and A549 (C). After 6 hours, the FAM green fluorescence intensity was observed through a fluorescence microscope.

Comparison of EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine®3000 on eGFP gene in the knockdown effects

Figure 2. Use 1 μL EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine®3000 transfection reagent respectively to transfect 5 pmol eGFP-siRNA into the Hela-eGFP stable cell line (cat#. SL040) in a 24-well plate. After 48 hours, changes in eGFP fluorescence intensity were observed through a fluorescence microscope.

Comparison of EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX on eGFP gene in the knockdown effects

Figure 3. Use 1 μL EndoFectin™ RNAi and Lipofectamine® RNAiMAX transfection reagent respectively to transfect 5 pmol eGFP-siRNA into the HEK293T-eGFP stable cell line (cat#. SL039) in a 24-well plate. After 72 hours, changes in eGFP fluorescence intensity were observed through a fluorescence microscope.
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Note: Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.

CRISPR-Fectin™ Transfection Reagent

CRISPR-Fectin™ is optimized lipid-based transfection reagent for CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery. Compatible with our GeneHero™ Cas9 Nuclease.


  • High transfection efficiency for Cas9 nuclease and synthetic sgRNA
  • Low toxicity to cells
  • Cost effective with as low as $0.059 per transfection reaction
Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF015 EndoFectin™ transfection reagent (1 mL) $295 Download Download
EF016 EndoFectin™ transfection reagent (3 mL) $589

GeneHero™ Cas9 Nuclease genome modification in HEK293 cell line. Cas9 nuclease was co-transfected with synthetic sgRNA into the HEK293 cells using CRISPR-Fectin™ transfection reagent. Three different sgRNA targeting the HUWE gene were designed and transfected with Cas9 protein respectively. The HUWE fragments were amplified from genomic DNA and subjected to the T7 endonuclease I assay. Cleaved DNA bands are indicated by red arrows.
EndoFectin™ Expi293

EndoFectin™ Expi293 Transfection Reagent

EndoFectin™ Expi293 is a powerful transfection reagent ideally suited for transfection of the suspension cell line Expi293F. Expi293F is the most commonly used suspension HEK293 cell line for transient expression to achieve high cell density. EndoFectin™ Expi293 provides greater transfection efficiency of Expi293 cells than Expifectamine 293 over a range of cell densities. The EndoFectin™ Expi293 kits are designed for high level of secreted (EF017 and EF018) and intracelluar (EF019 and EF020) protein expression and isolation from Expi293F cells. The kits include EndoFectin™ Expi293 transfection reagent, as well as proprietary solutions engineered to enhance protein production.


  • Specially designed for transfection of the widely-used suspension cell line Expi293F
  • Greater transfection efficiency of Expi293F cells than Expifectamine™ 293 (Figure 1).
  • Greater protein expression than Expifectamine™ 293 (Figure 2)
  • Does not require removal of serum or culture medium, or changing of medium after transfection.
Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF017 EndoFectin Expi293 transfection kit (1L culture)* (for secreted protein expression) $485 Download Download
EF018 EndoFectin Expi293 transfection kit (10L culture)* (for secreted protein expression) $4,155
EF019 EndoFectin Expi293 transfection kit (1L culture)* (for intracellular protein expression) $485
EF020 EndoFectin Expi293 transfection kit (10L culture)* (for intracellular protein expression) $4,155
* The kit includes accompanying solutions engineered for efficient protein production.

Experiment 1: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Expi293 and Expifectamine™ 293 in plasmid transfection

Figure 1. Comparison of transfection efficiencies of the suspension cell line Expi293F between EndoFectin™ Expi293 and Expifectamine 293. Expi293F cells were cultured in 125 ml flasks and transfected with a GFP-expressing plasmid. Transfection efficiencies were quantitated as relative fluorescence units (RFU, A) and compared visually using a fluorescence microscope (B).

Experiment 2: Comparison of EndoFectin™ Expi293 and Expifectamine™ 293 in protein expression

Figure 2. Comparisons of secreted (A) and intracellular (B) protein expression in suspension cell line Expi293F between the EndoFectin™ Expi293 kit (GeneCopoeia) and the Expifectamine 293 kit (Thermo Fisher). A. Expi293F cells were transfected with a Gaussia luciferase-expressing plasmid. GeneCopoeia transfection solutions or ThermoFisher enhancers were added 16-18 hours after transfection. Gaussia luciferase expression was measured in a luminometer. B. Expi293F cells were transfected with a Firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid. GeneCopoeia transfection solution 3 or Thermo Fisher enhancers were added 16-18 hours after transfection. Firefly luciferase levels were measured in a lluminometer 48 hours after transfection.
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EndoFectin™ HepG2

EndoFectin HepG2 Transfection Reagent

EndoFectin™ HepG2 is a new and potent reagent optimized for transfection of the difficult-to-transfect hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2.  EndoFectin™ HepG2 provides superior transfection efficiency of HepG2 cells compared with Lipofectamine® 3000 (Figure 1) and Lipofectamine® 2000 (Figure 2).


  • Specially formulated for the difficult-to-transfect hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2
  • Greater transfection efficiency of HepG2 cells compared with Lipofectamine® 3000  (Figure 1).
  • Superior transfection efficiency of HepG2 cells compared to Lipofectamine® 2000 (Figure 2)
  • Transfection efficiency of HepG2 cells is comparable to electroporation, allowing you to achieve ultra-high levels of transfection more conveniently (Figure 3).
  • Does not require removal of serum or culture medium or removal of medium after transfection.
Buy Catalog # Product Price (US$) Protocol MSDS
EF005 EndoFectin™ HepG2 transfection reagent (1 mL) $355 Download Download
EF006 EndoFectin™ HepG2 transfection reagent (3 mL) $705

Experiment 1: Comparison of EndoFectin™ HepG2 and Lipofectamine® 3000

Figure 1. Transfection of HepG2 cells using either EndoFectin™ Max, Lipofectamine® 2000 (LP2000) or Lipofectamine® 3000 (LP3000). Cells were transfected with a firefly luciferase-expressing plasmid. Transfection efficiencies were assessed by luciferase activity (RLU). Note: 0.15 uL/well of Lipofectamine® 3000 was used rather than 0.2 uL/well. Lipofectamine® is a trademark of Invitrogen.


Experiment 2: Comparison of EndoFectin™ HepG2 and Lipofectamine® 2000

Figure 2. Comparison of transfection efficiencies of HepG2 cells between EndoFectin™ HepG2 and Lipofectamine® 2000 (LP2000). Top: Cells were transfected with a plasmid expressing luciferase, and quantitated in a luminometer. Bottom: HepG2 cells were transfected with a plasmid expressing GFP, and visualized using either visible light or fluorescence.  

Experiment 3: Comparison of EndoFectin™ HepG2 and electroporation

EndoFectin™ HepG2 can also provide nearly as high transfection efficiency as electroporation, meaning that you can achieve ultra-high levels of transfection with much more convenience (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Comparison of transfection efficiencies of HepG2 cells between EndoFectin™ HepG2 and electroporation. HepG2 cells were electroporated with a plasmid expressing GFP, and visualized using either visible light or fluorescence.
Note: Lipofectamine® is a registered trademark of Invitrogen
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*Promotions are valid in the US & Canada only. For international customers, please contact your local distributors. Promotion ends January 31, 2025. Discounts are not valid on previous purchases and cannot be combined with additional discounts.