Resources for Antigen MicroArray

Technology overview

Technology overview

GeneCopoeia’s OmicsArray™ antigen microarrays contain up to 120 purified antigens spotted onto nitrocellulose filters, which are adhered to glass slides. In addition, 8 spots are included for normalization. Each slide carries 16 identical arrays, and so can be used to process up to 15 samples simultaneously as well as a negative control. As little as 1 ul serum or 50 ul of other bio fluids are needed for each sample.
As shown in Figure 1, arrays are incubated with patient samples, and any autoantibodies in the  samples bind to their cognate antigens on the array. The arrays are washed to remove unbound autoantibodies and other proteins, then co-incubated with Cy3- and Cy5-labeled secondary antibodies. The dual labeling strategy is intended to distinguish between immunoglobulin (Ig) subtypes present within samples. For example. a Cy3-labeled anti-IgG secondary antibody is used to detect IgG autoantibodies, and a Cy5-labeled anti-IgM secondary antibody is used to detect IgM autoantibodies. Fluorophore-labeled secondary antobodies are available for detecting IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM immunoglubulins, as well as IgG subclasses IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4.
After washing to remove unbound secondary antibodies, signals are detected using a microarray scanner (e.g., GenePix® 4000B, InnoScan 710, or equivalents). The raw data is then be analyzed using GenePix® Pro 7.0, or Mapix software.

Workflow for autoantibody profiling in samples using GeneCopoeia’s OmicsArray™ antigen microarrays.

Figure 1. Workflow for autoantibody profiling in samples using GeneCopoeia’s OmicsArray™ antigen microarrays.