Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) — economic tools for cell reprogramming

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) — economic tools for cell reprogramming

iPS cells are a type of pluripotent stem cell artificially derived, and often referred to as programmed, from adult somatic cells using the expression of certain genes in culture. Using adult somatic cells, they have been reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state by being forced to express genes and factors important for maintaining undifferentiated embryonic stem cells.

GeneCopoeia has several tools and related reagents that are useful to the stem cell scientist interested to perform reprogramming trials. More detailed information is found on the product-specific web page or submit your inquiry here.



Lentifect™ Ready-to-Transduce Lentiviral Particles — both Standard and purified for all iPSC genes

GeneCopoeia Lentifect™ lentiviral particles are produced from standardized protocols using high-purity plasmid DNA preparations and EndoFectin™ Lenti transfection and TiterBoost™ reagents ensuring production of the highest-titers possible of Standard or purified particles ever achieved. Ready-for-transduction, lentiviral preps from GeneCopoeia offer a cost-effective choice for busy labs.

Purified lentiviral particles for iPSC genes

Buy Catalog # Product Description Price (US$)


*Titer determined by quantitative PCR on Standard lentiviral supernatant.

Learn more about ready-to-transduce lentiviral particles.

OmicsLink™ Expression-Ready ORF cDNA Clones — wide selection of lentiviral vectors and tags

The OmicsLink™ expression-ready clone family is the most extensive and complete source of standard and specialized plasmid constructs anywhere. GeneCopoeia has several genes used in reprogramming available in many vectors with a variety of fusion tags. If your clone search doesn't find what you are looking for, send us an email at

Click on product ID to view the vector options available for these genes
Accession Symbol Species Description Product ID
Z11898 POU5F1 Human POU class 5 homeobox 1 Z0092
BC013923 SOX2 Human SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 T2547
NM_002467 MYC Human v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) B0255
NM_002467 MYC Human v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) Z2845
NM_004235 KLF4 Human Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) Z5703
NM_024865 NANOG Human Nanog homeobox Z8289
NM_024674 LIN28 Human lin-28 homolog (C. elegans) V1435
NM_013633 Pou5f1 Mouse Mus musculus POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1 (Pou5f1), mRNA. Mm24188
NM_011443 Sox2 Mouse Mus musculus SRY-box containing gene 2 (Sox2), mRNA. Mm30354
NM_010849 Myc Mouse Mus musculus myelocytomatosis oncogene (Myc), mRNA. Mm23755
NM_010637 Klf4 Mouse Mus musculus Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) (Klf4), mRNA. Mm19461
NM_028016 Nanog Mouse Mus musculus Nanog homeobox (Nanog), mRNA. Mm23751
NM_145833 Lin28 Mouse Mus musculus lin-28 homolog (C. elegans) (Lin28), mRNA. Mm12303

Learn more about expression-ready ORF cDNA clones.

OmicsLink™ Expression-Ready shRNA Clones — stable and guaranteed knockdown

For every gene you want to down regulate through RNA interference, GeneCopoeia uses a proprietary algorithm to carefully prepare four sequence-specific shRNA constructs. These constructs are available in lentiviral or non-viral vectors with a choice of eGFP or mCherry reporter gene. GeneCopoeia guarantee that at least one of the four constructs will give you 70% knockdown when tested with qRT-PCR or we will replace it with a new one.

Click on product ID to view the vector options available for these genes
Accession Symbol Species Description Product ID
NM_002701 POU5F1 Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_002701 HSH105033
NM_203289 POU5F1 Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_203289 HSH105034
NM_003106 SOX2 Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_003106 HSH110118
NM_002467 MYC Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_002467 HSH117877
NM_004235 KLF4 Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_004235 HSH116341
NM_024865 NANOG Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_024865 HSH112480
NM_024674 LIN28 Human shRNA clone sets targeting NM_024674 HSH112163
NM_013633 Pou5f1 Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_013633 MSH094318
NM_011443 Sox2 Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_011443 MSH095111
NM_010849 Myc Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_010849 MSH029723
NM_010637 Klf4 Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_010637 MSH054570
NM_028016 Nanog Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_028016 MSH104657
NM_145833 Lin28 Mouse shRNA clone sets targeting NM_145833 MSH038608

Learn more about expression-ready shRNA clone collection.

GeneCopoeia also offers validated qRT-PCR primers for iPSC genes.