Exosome Solutions

Exosomes have largely been recognized for their role in mediating intercellular communication by serving as carriers of different biomolecules, including proteins, RNAs, and lipids from one cell to another. There is a growing interest in clinical applications of exosomes as biomarkers and for therapeutic use. GeneCopoeia provides convenient and high-quality products for your exosome research.

LentiFect™ exosome labeling lentiviral particles
GeneCopoeia offers lentiviral particles that efficiently express exosome biomarkers CD9,CD63 and CD81 with different reporter genes (tdTomato, mCherry-Flag, Flag-Gluc).
miProfile™ exosome miRNA qPCR arrays
miRNAs are important components of the exosome cargo and can be used as potential biomarkers.The exosomal miRNAs transferred to recipient cells to regulate target gene expression are of particular interest.

ExoSure™ Exosome Isolation Kit

GeneCopoeia provides ExoSure™ Exosome Isolation Kit, which combine precipitation and size exclusion chromatography (SEC) techniques, generating high purity and high yields of exosomes.

ExoCt™ RT-qPCR System

GeneCopoeia's ExoCt™ RT-qPCR System allows you to analyze gene expression by real-time qPCR directly from exosomes without any RNA purification.