MSI (Microsatellite Instability) is failure to correct the errors that spontaneously occur during DNA replication caused by DNA mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR), resulting in the accumulation of chromosomal mutations at certain repetitive DNA motifs as microsatellites. GeneCopoeia's MSI analysis service uses the PrecisionPlex™ MSI Detection System, which consists of a unique combination of seven mononucleotide microsatellite loci that can potentially lead to more sensitive and specific results compared to competitors’ products.
The PrecisionPlex™ MSI Detection System is a fluorescent multiplex PCR-based assay to detect MSI in human cells. It contains fluorescently labeled primers for seven microsatellite loci (NR-27, NR-21, BAT-26, BAT-25, NR-24, NR-22 and MONO-27) and two tetranucleotide loci (D13S317 and D7S820) and amelogenin (AMEL). The PCR products of the microsatellite loci from matching normal and test samples are compared to detect DNA dMMR.
Matching DNA amplification products of samples from normal (top panel) and tumor tissue (bottom panel) were analyzed using the MSI detection system. The presence of new alleles in the tumor sample (indicated by red arrows) that were not present in the normal sample indicates MSI.
Sample Requirements
DNA Samples: Genomic DNA OD260/280 at 1.8~2.0, concentration at 50 ng/µl, ≥20 µl;
Cell Samples: Fresh/frozen/dried cell pellets, tissue (FFPE or fresh) and blood samples. For cell pellets, wash the cells in buffer prior to shipping/freezing/drying the pellet to remove any traces of media or trypsin. Cell number ≥106 cells.
Please contact GeneCopoeia at 1-866-360-9531 or for a quote.