Clone sets

Chemokines and chemokine receptors

Introduction Cancer is a collection of diseases characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled cellular growth caused primarily by genetic mutations. Based on their role in cancer progression, driver genes can be classified into two main categories: oncogenes and tumor...

Synaptic genes in autoimmune disease of nervous system

Introduction The nervous system includes the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Viral infections, poisoning, genetic defects, immune damage, and metabolic disorders may trigger the development of neurological diseases. Neurological...

Cancer driver gene

Introduction Cancer is a collection of diseases characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled cellular growth caused primarily by genetic mutations. Based on their role in cancer progression, driver genes can be classified into two main categories: oncogenes and tumor...


Introduction Immuno-oncology is a scientific field that studies the interactions between tumors and the immune system, revealing how tumors evade the immune surveillance and elimination, as well as how they exploit the mechanisms of the immune system to promote their...

Cancer driver gene

Introduction Cancer is a collection of diseases characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled cellular growth caused primarily by genetic mutations. Based on their role in cancer progression, driver...


Introduction Immuno-oncology is a scientific field that studies the interactions between tumors and the immune system, revealing how tumors evade the immune surveillance and elimination, as well as...


Introduction Proteases are widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms, and their main role is to...

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Introduction Kinases are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of phosphate groups from high-energy phosphorus-containing...

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Introduction Histones are alkaline protein found in the chromatin of eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells, which...

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Introduction G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a large family of membrane protein receptors found only in...

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Introduction Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve alterations to the DNA...

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Introduction Cluster of differentiation (CD) antigens are cell surface molecules expressed on leukocytes and other...

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